Kevin Jackson
Kevin Jackson has over 30 years experience in creating high quality healthcare architecture in Ireland and in the United Kingdom. Over this period, he has developed an ability to understand complex clinical design issues and has used this to inform his designs in the creation of appropriate, unique and memorable architectural solutions. Kevin’s projects include some of the most complex to be realised in Ireland in recent years, the most significant of which are set out below:
North West Cancer Centre at Altnagelvin Northern Ireland, Winner of the Best Health Building, RIAI Irish Architecture Awards 2018 and Winner of European Healthcare Design Awards NHS Healthcare Design 2017
Midland Regional Hospital at Tullamore, Winner of the Best Health Building, RIAI Irish Architecture Awards 2009 and highly commended in the UK Building Better Healthcare Awards, Best International Design 2008.
Development Control Plans:
Infrastructure Review at Beaumont Hospital 2022
Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore 2001
Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar 2002
Mater and Children’s Hospital (included relocation of
Temples Street Children’s Hospital) 2003
National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dun Laoghaire,
Strategic Site Study _ 2004
Site assessment for new Elective Hospitals in Dublin,
Galway and Cork, 2021
Review of Development Control Plan at Croom
Orthopaedic Hospital 2016 and 2020
Masterplanning for 3 Elective Hospitals for Sláintecare, 2021
Kevin has extensive knowledge of design of healthcare facilities including many of a very complex nature and has a wealth of experience in all aspects of practice combining skills in management, strategy and team working with a focus on the architectural concept, design and delivery of same.