University Hospital Limerick Protective Development plans
Health Service Executive
Kevin Jackson Architects / O’Connell Mahon Architects
University Hospital Limerick
Complete Date:
Kevin Jackson has been working on the development planning of the Limerick University Hospital Campus since 1999 when a Protected Development Control plan was developed which followed on from the 1990 plan developed by Murray O’Laoire and Brian O’Connell Associates. The PDCP has been updated more or less continuously ever since with further major iterations issuing in 2004 and 2008 and 2016 to the current plan which forms the strategic basis for developing the current crop of projects either on going or under consideration including the redevelopment of ward accommodation close to the Critical Care Unit, Maternity services (relocated from the Ennis Road in Limerick City Centre), Cancer and Paediatric services.
The plan proposes the creation of a new urban edge facing onto the St Nessan’s Road and maximising the potential of that site with 5 and 6 story above ground development and 2 storey basement car parking. It also proposes a major reorganisation of the northern sector of the site where it is proposed to accommodate Maternity Services in a major multi-storey development.