Thomond Primary School, Extension, Limerick
Thomond School
Kevin Jackson Architects
Ballynanty Road, Limerick City
450 msq
Complete Date:
Due to the reduction in demand for primary school places, it was decided to extend the Thomond Primary School Campus to enable its amalgamation with two other local schools in Ballynanty Limerick City. Accordingly, a new 4 classroom extension, a resource room together with proposed toilets and break out space was designed to meet the needs of the school. The existing school was originally designed by Andy Devane, and is a protected structure. A masterplan for the future expansion and development of the school was developed, thus providing the context for the design of the project. The design is intended to extend the original logic of the Devane plan providing a new classroom pavilion to the south of the existing buildings and enabling future classrooms and outdoor activity space to be developed to the west should they be required at a later date.
KJA were the Conservation Architects for the Project and as well as Designing the Extension provided PSDP and BC(A)R services as well as obtaining the DAC and Fire Certificate.