Energy Upgrade, Ennis Community College

Ennis Community College


Kevin Jackson Architects


Harmony Row, Lifford, Ennis, County Clare


2500 msq



Complete Date:

To meet the Irish Government’s EU commitments to achieve targets for energy efficiency and reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, the Department of Education together with Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland SEAI, established a series of ‘Pathfinder’ projects which are designed to identify the most effective methods of achieving the targets in school buildings, with a view to rolling out a programme for upgrading all school buildings in subsequent years. The project entailed a thorough examination of the existing building fabric and services installations and a comprehensive review of multiple options for upgrading each of the elements, followed by detailed analysis to identify the most effective and economic means of upgrading the buildings to the required standard.

Ennis Community College is a collection of buildings built in C1930, 1970 and 1990 with varying levels of construction quality and Thermal Performance. Architecturally, each building required new windows and the 1930’s and 1970’s building were wrapped in external insulation.  New Heat pumps were installed and MHRV units provided in every Classroom, along with the replacement of all lighting with LED fittings.